Our primary number is (601) 788-2599.

If you need a specific department or staff member, please use the directory for the extension of the department or staff member you need to speak with.

You’re also welcome to fill out the below form, and one of our staff will respond soon.


Ext. 101

Assisted Living

Shayla Hibbler, Ext. 102

Nursing Department

Ext. 103

Rural General Public Transit

Mr. Kevin Hollingsworth, Ext. 104

Home and Community Supports

Michele Jordan, Ext. 105

Behavior Supports

Arthur Mitchell, Ext. 106

Human Resources

Crystal Daughdrill, Ext. 107

Adult Day Care/CACFP

Zondre Jones, Ext. 108

Supervised Living (Behavioral and Medical), Supported Living

Cyrus Taylor, Ext. 115; or Arthur Mitchell, Ext. 106

Day Services Adult

Schlee Barnes, Ext. 122

Prevocational and Supported Employment

Lora Posey, Ext. 123